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Working Paper: The Geography of Anti-Immigrant Attitudes across Europe, 2002-2014
13 December 2024
Mathias Czaika and Armando Di Lillo explore the geo-spatial connectivity of anti-immigrant attitudes across Europe
New working paper by IMI fellow Robin Cohen on Sunak’s ‘Stop the Boats’ policy
17 May 2023
IMI fellow Robin Cohen and Emeritus Professor of Development Studies at the University of Oxford had published a new COMPAS working paper "Will Sunak’s ‘Stop the Boats’ policy have perverse consequences?".
Study Global Migration at the University of Amsterdam
17 May 2023
Why do people migrate? Are borders beyond control? Are immigrants taking away jobs? Will climate change lead to mass migration? Has integration ‘failed’? Or do we badly need immigrants to boost growth and innovation in ageing societies? Will development in poor countries reduce migration? And how does migration affect development in origin societies?
Professor Stephen Castles, 1944-2022
10 August 2022
New article: Crafting a ‘liberal monarchy’: regime consolidation and immigration policy reform in Morocco
5 August 2020
In a new article published in the Journal of North African Studies, IMI researcher Katharina Natter analyses Moroccan immigration policymaking and ties to the monarchy's authoritarian consolidation agenda.
New in IMI Working Paper Series: Social Transformation
5 August 2020
In our latest working paper, Hein de Haas, Sonja Fransen, Katharina Natter, Kerilyn Schewel and Simona Vezzoli introduce the 'social transformation framework' as a conceptual tool to study social change.
Vacancy for two student assistants within the Teaching Immigration in European Schools (TIES) project
7 July 2020
The Teaching Immigration in European Schools (TIES) project, affiliated to the International Migration Institute (IMI) Amsterdam, aims to bring migration research to schools across Europe.
KNAW Academy Compendium has been published!
29 May 2020
On 16-18 October 2019, the International Migration Institute hosted an Academy Colloquium, entitled "Renewing Migration Debate: building disciplinary and geographical bridges to explain global migration" at the Trippenhuis in Amsterdam.
The 6th Edition of The Age of Migration published
20 May 2020
A fully revised edition of The Age of Migration: International Population Movements in the Modern World by IMI director Hein de Haas, Stephen Castles and Mark J. Miller has been published!
Minor in Global Migration
20 May 2020
Are you interested in international migration patterns, policies and their impacts? Would you like to engage in discussions, debates and presentations on migration-related issues? Do you wish to engage with a real life policy challenge and present your possible solutions? Apply for a Minor in Global Migration today!
Just published: DEMIG VISA database
29 April 2020
We are happy to announce that the DEMIG VISA database is now available!
Lea Müller Funk receives IMISCOE’s Rinus Penninx Best Paper Award
12 February 2020
IMI senior researcher Lea Müller Funk has won the IMISCOE’s Rinus Penninx Best Paper Award for her paper “Investigating mobility aspirations of refugees in fragile political contexts: Ethical reflections and methodological choices”.
Vacancy: Senior Researcher at NIDI
10 February 2020
NIDI-KNAW is recruiting a new senior researcher in Quantitative International Migration Studies.
Vacancy: Two Assistant professors of Sociology
31 January 2020
Are you exceptionally interested in social science and specifically in the discipline of sociology? The Department of Sociology at University of Amsterdam has an opening for two Assistant professors of Sociology!
GDAI Webinar #4 - Climate Induced Migration In West Africa
14 January 2020
This webinar will address the impact of climate change on West Africa and will look a migration as a climate change adaptation strategy.
New in IMI Working Paper Series: "Paradoxes of Migration and Development"
11 December 2019
New working paper by IMI director Hein de Haas published.
New in IMI Working Paper Series: "The Volume and Geography of Forced Migration"
3 December 2019
New working paper by IMI senior researcher Sonja Fransen and IMI director Hein de Haas was just published.
Katharina Natter defends PhD dissertation on the role of political regimes in immigration policymaking
14 November 2019
On 8 November 2019, IMI researcher Katharina Natter was awarded a Cum Laude distinction for her PhD dissertation at the University of Amsterdam, entitled "Political Regimes and Immigration Policymaking. The Contrasting Cases of Morocco and Tunisia."
Launch of Robin Cohen’s new book "Migration: the movement of humankind from prehistory to the present”
12 November 2019
On 12 November, Robin Cohen, IMI Honorary Fellow and former director of the Institute, presented his new book "Migration: the movement of humankind from prehistory to the present”.
Researcher Kerilyn Schewel defends PhD dissertation on development and migration in rural Ethiopia
11 November 2019
On 15 October 2019, IMI’s researcher Kerilyn Schewel successfully defended her PhD dissertation, entitled "Moved by Modernity: How Development Shapes Migration from Rural Ethiopia," at the University of Amsterdam.