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DEMIG C2C data
The DEMIG C2C (country-to-country) database contains bilateral migration flow data for 34 reporting countries and from up to 236 countries over the 1946–2011 period. It includes data for inflows, outflows and net flows, respectively for citizens, foreigners and/or citizens and foreigners combined, depending on the reporting countries. The DEMIG C2C database was compiled through extensive data collection and digitalisation of historical national statistics as well as current electronic sources. It provides a unique opportunity to construct migration flows from many origin countries to the 34 reporting countries, as well as return flows.
DEMIG POLICY tracks more than 6,500 migration policy changes enacted by 45 countries around the world mostly in the 1945-2013 period. The policy measures are coded according to the policy area and migrant group targeted, as well as the change in restrictiveness they introduce in the existing legal system. The database allows for both quantitative and qualitative research on the long-term evolution and effectiveness of migration policies.
DEMIG TOTAL reports immigration, emigration and net migration flows for up to 161 countries covering various periods of time from the early 1800s to 2011, disaggregating total flows of citizens and foreigners whenever possible. The database allows for quantitative analysis of the long-term evolution of international migration.
EUMAGINE: Imagining Europe from the Outside investigated the impact of perceptions of human rights and democracy on migration aspirations and decisions. Funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme, the EUMAGINE project involved more than thirty researchers in seven countries who worked to understand how people in Morocco, Senegal, Turkey and Ukraine relate to the possibility of migration. Following the end of the project in 2013, its data is now available to interested researchers.
Theorizing the Evolution of European Migration Systems (THEMIS) was a four-year project which took a fresh look at how patterns of migration to Europe develop, focusing on the conditions that encourage initial moves by pioneer migrants to become established migration systems (or not). Following the end of the project its data is now available to interested researchers through the UK Data Service [click through section to access link]
Family strategies of migrants in West Africa
Investigating the relationship between family and migration in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso’s capital city
Migrants in countries in crisis: Supporting an evidence-based approach for effective and cooperative state action
IMI will work in partnership with ICMPD and researchers in the regions on 4 case studies: Libya, Central African Republic, Côte d’Ivoire and South Africa.
African Migrations Programme
Improving the understanding of migration patterns within, to and from Africa over time. IMI is working with African researchers and universities across the continent to support research and build research capacity.
African Perspectives on Human Mobility
Despite an unprecedented growth in international migration research, little has focused on migration from the perspective of developing countries. Understanding of migration patterns across large parts of Africa is particularly limited.
Determinants of International Migration
Generating new theoretical and empirical insights into the way states and policies shape migration processes in their interaction with other migration determinants.
Database on immigrants in OECD and non-OECD countries
Documenting global mobility and furthering our knowledge of international migration.
Drivers and dynamics of high-skilled migration
Understanding the drivers and dynamics of high‐skilled migration, and the effect of policy on this type of migration.
Emigration States in the Global Governance of Migration
Refining and disseminating research on the role of emigration states in global migration governance.
EUMAGINE: Imagining Europe from the Outside
A collaborative European research project aimed at investigating the impact of perceptions of human rights and democracy on migration aspirations and decisions.
Global Migration Futures
Helping understand and prepare for future changes in international migration.
International mobility, local economics and European cooperation policies in the central Sahara
The aim of this research project is to study the nature and practical results of European intervention in migration issues in the central Sahara and its global cost, by combining an analysis of European policies with empirical fieldwork, with a view towards understanding and correcting the representations and assumptions that underpin them.
Mobility in the African Great Lakes
Capturing everyday mobility drivers to better understand the complexity of human mobility dynamics in the Great Lakes region.
International migration of medical doctors: Trends, drivers and policies
Furthering our knowledge of the impact of immigration policies on the international migration of medical doctors.
Oxford Diasporas Programme
Exploring migrants' networks and experiences
Theorizing the Evolution of European Migration Systems
A fresh look at how patterns of migration to Europe develop, focusing on the conditions that encourage initial moves by pioneer migrants to become established migration systems (or not). Seeking to bridge the theories on the initiation and continuation of migration, and to integrate the concept of agency in a systems theory approach.