The term ‘creolisation’ is not easily nor consistently defined. Despite not being a uniquely modern term, creolisation is often associated with the political and economic expansion of the European world, and the cultural implications of colonialism. It is also often connected with hybridity, globalisation, and cosmopolitanism. This working paper examines what the term ‘creolisation’ might mean both historically and in the current day context of the Comorian island of Ngazidja. The author explores what defines a ‘creole’ society, at what point a society may cease to be considered creole, and whether the use of the term ‘creolisation’ without careful consideration of its meaning might lead to it becoming an ineffective description that is applicable to every society that has experienced an external influence.
A new working paper pushing the creolisation paradigm
25 April 2013
This latest working paper by Iain Walker considers what defines the process of ‘creolisation’ in the context of the Comorian island of Ngazidja