This panel discussion was convened as part of the introductory lecture of the MSc Migration Studies course jointly offered by the School of Anthropology (SAME) and the Oxford Department of International Development (ODID). The course draws on the intellectual resources of its two parent departments and the three world-leading migration research centres at Oxford (COMPAS, IMI and the RSC).
In this podcast Carlos Vargas-Silva (Economics), Bridget Anderson (Politics), Franck Düvell (Sociology), Mette Berg (Anthropology), Cathryn Costello (Law), and Sarah Spencer (Policy) – all teaching staff for the degree – present different perspectives on the topic of migration and explore key themes that arise throughout the course.
In the coming weeks we will be posting a series of interviews with teaching staff from the course to find out more about their research, the course and discuss current migration issues. Stay tuned...
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