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A report on Pacific migration, prepared for New Zealand's Department of Labour and Australia's Department of Immigration and Citizenship, recommends working with the International Migration Institute's Global Migration Futures Project

The report's authors, Professor Richard Bedford (National Institute of Demographic and Economic Analysis, University of Waikato; and Auckland University of Technology) and Graeme Hugo (National Centre for Social Application of GIS, University of Adelaide) recommend that the New Zealand Department of Labour and the Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship consider engaging with the Global Migration Futures project in order to enhance understanding of changing Pacific migration trends. They write:

'The research team presented a very interesting overview of their scenario-building research methodology at the 16th International Metropolis Conference in the Azores in September 2011. Members were willing to participate in a workshop that might build on the findings of the current Pacific project—to increase our understanding of possible migration futures for the region by drawing on the insights of a wide range of stakeholders.'

A summary of the full report and the complete pdf are available on New Zealand's Department of Labour website.

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