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« Back to News & mediaWorking Paper: The Geography of Anti-Immigrant Attitudes across Europe, 2002-2014
13 December 2024
Mathias Czaika and Armando Di Lillo explore the geo-spatial connectivity of anti-immigrant attitudes across Europe
Working Paper: Immigration policy effects – A conceptual framework
12 July 2017
Liv Bjerre provides a conceptual framework for the analysis of immigration policy effects by arguing that immigration policies have varying effects on different categories of immigrants whether they are regular immigrants, asylum seekers or irregular immigrants
Return Migration in Africa
29 June 2017
IMI Researcher, Dr. Marie-Laurence Flahaux together with Dr. Bruno Shoumaker and Dr. Thierry Eggerickx edit a new issue of 'Space, Populations, Societies' which seeks to explore the understudied aspects of return migration in Africa
Seminar Series Podcasts
28 June 2017
Listen to Professor Valeria Pulignano's (University of Leuven) fascinating discussion on 'Trade unions, agency (migrant) workers and the insiders/outsiders debate' through a comparative study of Germany and Belgium
Working Paper: Hopes and fears of migrants’ contribution to political change, a Tunisian case study
26 June 2017
Marieke van Houte explores complexities of political change in relation to mobility and immobility through a fascinating Tunisian case study that challenges conventional notions that transnational political engagements contribute to democratization
Exploring domestic & diasporic non-government responses to the Liberian Ebola Crisis
6 June 2017
New article published in the academic journal, African Affairs by IMI Senior Research Officer Robtel Neajai Pailey
Legal invisibility was the best thing to happen to me
25 May 2017
Senior Research Officer Robtel Neajai Pailey shares her experience of living as an undocumented migrant in the US for 14 years in a remarkable piece for Al Jazeera
Integration of Brits in Turkey and Turks in Britain
17 May 2017
Listen to this podcast from the 3 May seminar
Call for papers for new journal Migration and Society
11 May 2017
The first issue of the journal focuses on Hospitality and hostility towards migrants: Global perspectives
Working Paper: The Migration&Development Apparatus
10 May 2017
Drawing on Michel Foucault's concept of apparatus, Laura Stielike investigates the contradictions in the migration and development paradigm
New article by Robtel Neajai Pailey looks ahead to Liberia's 2017 election
8 May 2017
A new briefing article co-authored by Robtel Neajai Pailey examines the forthcoming presidential elections in Liberia, which take place this October
Working paper: Global migration futures. Exploring the future of international migration with a scenario methodology
27 April 2017
Simona Vezzoli, Ayla Bonfiglio and Hein de Haas introduce the use of a scenario methodology to better explore the future of international migration
Working paper: The global evolution of travel visa regimes
4 April 2017
Mathias Czaika, Hein de Haas and María Villares-Varela draw on the new DEMIG VISA database to explore patterns and trends in international visa regimes. The analysis challenges the idea of a growing global mobility divide between ‘North’ and ‘South’, showing instead a more complex image reflecting the multi-layered nature of international relations
Understanding reverse remittance practice among Ghanaian migrants in the UK and their relatives in Ghana
13 March 2017
Listen to this podcast from the 1 March seminar
Working paper: How do Syrian refugee workers challenge supply chain management in the Turkish garment industry?
9 March 2017
Emre Eren Korkmaz explores how the participation of Syrian refugees in the informal economy in Turkey has changed historical relations between formal and informal employment, and what can be done to ensure fair, legal employment of all workers in Turkey's garment sector, including Syrian refugees
Working paper: Is there a ‘pig cycle’ in the labour supply of doctors?
3 March 2017
Yasser Moullan and Xavier Chojnicki explor whether training or immigration policies provide a more effective reponse to shortages of physicians within the OECD
African migration to and from Europe: Rethinking circular migration
14 February 2017
Listen to this podcast from the 1 February seminar
Migratory flows, colonial encounters and the histories of transatlantic slavery
30 January 2017
Listen to this podcast from the 25 January seminar
Migration to, through and from Africa: An African conversation | Seminar Series, Hilary 2017
3 January 2017
Showcasing cutting edge research conducted by African scholars who examine migration to, through and from Africa
IMI December newsletter
16 December 2016
Our December newsletter, recapping a year in migration research, is now available to read online