Contact information
Sorana Toma
- Université Paris-Saclay
I am an Assistant Professor of Sociology in the Center for Economics, Sociology and Statistics (CREST) at the ENSAE-Université Paris-Saclay in France. My research interests include International Migration, Immigrant Assimilation and Residential Segregation, with a comparative lens. I obtained my MSc and PhD degrees in Sociology from the University of Oxford. My work appeared in the International Migration Review, Population Space and Place, Ethnic and Racial Studies, International Journal of Comparative Sociology. I am a member of the editorial board of Oxford Development Studies and of Population, and a reviewer for development, migration and sociology academic journals.
Recent publications
International academic mobility across space and time: The case of Indian academics
Journal article
Mathias Czaika and Sorana Toma, (2017), Population, Space and Place
The role of migration and higher education policies in international academic mobility. The case of Indian researchers
Working paper
Sorana Toma and María Villares-Varela, (2015), IMI Working Paper Series, 123, 1 - 22
Internationalisation and diversification of Indian academic careers
Working paper
Sorana Toma et al, (2015), IMI Working Paper Series, 121
Path-dependency in International Academic Careers
Working paper
Mathias Czaika and Sorana Toma, (2015), IMI Working Paper Series, 108
On Their Own? A Study of Independent Versus Partner-Related Migration from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Senegal
Journal article
Sorana Toma and Sophie Vause , (2013), Journal of Intercultural Studies, 34 (5), 533 - 552