Search results (650)
« Back to PublicationsNon-Migration Policies and Mobility Decisions
Oliver Bakewell et al, (2024), IMI Working Paper Series, 182
Changing the Migration Narrative: On the Power of Discourse, Propaganda and Truth Distortion
Hein de Haas, (2024), IMI Working Paper Series, 181
The Impact of Covid-19 on NGOs’ Provision of Primary Healthcare and Its Utilisation by Irregular Migrants in Italy
Giulia Mori, (2024), IMI Working Paper Series, 180
Researching Decisions to Stay and Migrate: A Temporal Multilevel Analysis framework
Simona Vezzoli et al, (2024), IMI Working Paper Series, 178
Researching the Politics of Knowledge in Migration Policy
Katharina Natter, (2024), IMI Working Paper Series, 179
The EU’s new counter-smuggling directive proposal : persisting challenges and recommendations towards implementation
Gabriella Sanchez et al, (2024), Policy Brief; 2024/01
Why Has Migration Research So Little Impact? Examining Knowledge Practices in Migration Policy Making and Migration Studies
Katharina Natter and Natalie Welfens, (2024), International Migration Review, 58(4), 1669 - 1700
Immigration attitudes, national identity, and development in mainland China
Tabitha Speelman, (2023), IMI Working Paper Series, 177
(Trans)formations de l’État et gouvernance des migrations forcées en Tunisie
Lea Müller-Funk and Katharina Natter, (2023), Afrique(s) en mouvement, 6(2), 31 - 41
’I will return strong’: The role of life aspirations in refugees’ return migration
Lea Müller-Funk and Sonja Fransen, (2023), 57(4), 1739 - 1770
Daring to aspire: Theorising aspirations in contexts of displacement and highly constrained mobility
Lea Müller-Funk et al, (2023), Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 49(15), 3816 - 3835
Disentangling Forced Migration Governance: Actors and Drivers along the Displacement Continuum
Lea Müller-Funk and Christiane Fröhlich, (2023), International Migration Review, 58(3), 1462 - 1488
Forced migration governance in Tunisia: Balancing risks and assets for state-making during independence and democratization
Lea Müller-Funk and Katharina Natter, (2023), Mediterranean Politics, 29(5), 617 - 641
How Migration Really Works
Hein de Haas, (2023), How Migration Really Works: A Factful Guide to the Most Divisive Issue in Politics
Irregular migration in the time of counter-smuggling
Gabriella Sanchez and Georgios A. Antonopoulos, (2023), Trends in Organized Crime, 26
Mobility Control as State-Making in Civil War: Forcing Exit, Selective Return and Strategic Laissez-Faire
Christiane Fröhlich and Lea Müller-Funk, (2023), Migration Politics, 2(1), 1 - 28
Violence, life aspirations and displacement trajectories in civil war contexts
Lea Müller-Funk, (2023), International Migration, 61(6), 209 - 227
Voluntary Immobility: A Global Analysis of Staying Preferences
Alix Debray et al, (2022), IMI Working Paper Series, 176
Mobilization trajectories as a tool to study migration and protest intentions: An illustration from Morocco
Astrid Bodini et al, (2022), 175