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Times of uncertainty in Europe: migration feedback loops in four Moroccan regions

Book chapter

Dominique Jolivet in Mohammed Berriane, Hein de Haas and Katharina Natter (eds.), (2016), Revisiting Moroccan Migrations

Broadcasting Migration Outcomes

Book chapter

Oliver Bakewell and Dominique Jolivet, (2015), 183 - 2014

Exploring 12 Migration Corridors: Rationale, Methodology and Overview

Book chapter

Jørgen Carling and Dominique Jolivet in O. Bakewell, G. Engbersen, M. L. Fonseca and C. Horst (eds.), (2015), Beyond Networks: Feedback in International Migration, 18 - 46

Times of uncertainty in Europe: migration feedback loops in four Moroccan regions

Journal article

Dominique Jolivet, (2015), The Journal of North African Studies, 20(4), 553 - 572

Broadcast feedback as causal mechanisms for migration

Working paper

Oliver Bakewell and Dominique Jolivet, (2015), IMI Working Paper Series, 113

'Origin matters': Working conditions of Moroccans and Romanians in the greenhouses of Almería

Book chapter

Pablo Pumares and Dominique Jolivet in S. R. Sippel and J. Gertel (eds.), Seasonal workers in Mediterranean agriculture. the social costs of eating fresh, (2014)

The effect of perceptions in migration aspirations: multivariate analysis


Hein de Haas and Dominique Jolivet, (2012), EUMAGINE Project Paper, 13

Dinámica demográfica y características de la inmigración marroquí en Andalucía

Book chapter

Pablo Pumares Fernández and Dominique Jolivet in A. Cohen and M. Berriane (eds.), De Marruecos a Andalucía: migración y espacio social, (2011), 25 - 52

La migración de marroquíes estudiada desde sus destinos andaluces

Book chapter

Arón Cohen et al, (2011), 96 - 165

Marcos socioespaciales de la inserción de los inmigrantes en Andalucía: los componentes principales

Book chapter

Pablo Pumares Fernández and Dominique Jolivet in A. Cohen and M. Berriane (eds.), De Marruecos a Andalucía: migración y espacio social, (2011), 205 - 256

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