Migration aspirations and preferences to stay in a Brazilian frontier town: Tranquility, hope and relative endowment
Simona Vezzoli, (2022), IMI Working Paper Series, 174, 1 - 47
Renewing the Migration Debate: Building disciplinary and geographical bridges to explain global migration
(2020), KNAW Compendium, 1 - 152
International Migration: Trends, determinants and policy effects
Hein de Haas et al, (2018), IMI Working Paper Series, 142
Examining the role of border closure and post-colonial ties in Caribbean migration
Marie-Laurence Flahaux and Simona Vezzoli, (2017), Migration Studies, 1 - 22
Global migration futures: Exploring the future of international migration with a scenario methodology
Simona Vezzoli et al, (2017), IMI Working Paper Series, 135, 1 - 32
How do post-colonial ties and migration regimes shape travel visa requirements? The case of Caribbean nationals
Simona Vezzoli and Marie-Laurence Flahaux, (2016), Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 1 - 23
Scenarios as a Scholarly Methodology to Produce 'Interesting Research'
Rafael Ramirez et al, (2015), Futures, 71, 70 - 87
Conceptualizing and measuring migration policy change
de Haas, Hein et al, (2015), Comparative Migration Studies, 3(15)
The evolution of Surinamese emigration across and beyond independence: The role of origin and destination states
Simona Vezzoli, (2014), IMI Working Paper Series, 106
The role of the state in international migration: Exploring the transition from colony to independence
Simona Vezzoli, (2014), IMI Working Paper Series, 102
Growing restrictiveness or changing selection? The nature and evolution of migration policies
Hein de Haas et al, (2014), IMI Working Paper Series, 96
The effects of independence, state formation and migration policies on Guyanese migration
Simona Vezzoli, (2014), IMI Working Paper Series, 94
Uncovering international migration flow data: Insights from the DEMIG databases
Simona Vezzoli et al, (2014), IMI Working Paper Series, 88
Compiling and coding migration policies: Insights from the DEMIG POLICY database
Hein de Haas et al, (2014), IMI Working Paper Series, 87
Migration and Development on the South–North Frontier: A Comparison of the Mexico–US and Morocco–EU cases
Hein de Haas and Simona Vezzoli, (2013), Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 39 (7), 1041 - 1065
Leaving matters: The nature, evolution and effects of emigration policies
Hein de Haas and Simona Vezzoli, (2011), IMI Working Paper Series, 34
Time to Temper the Faith: Comparing the Migration and Development Experiences of Mexico and Morocco
Hein de Haas and Simona Vezzoli, (2010), Migration Information Source
Transatlantic dialogues on migration and development issues: the Mexico–US and Morocco–EU experiences
Thomas Lacroix et al, (2010)
Global Migration Futures: A conceptual and methodological framework for research and analysis
Hein de Haas et al, (2010)
Building Bonds for Migration and Development: Diaspora Engagement Policies of Ghana, India and Serbia
Simona Vezzoli and Thomas Lacroix, (2010), GTZ Discussion Papers