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'African Migrations Research: Innovative Methods and Methodologies' will be published by Africa World Press at the end of May 2012

This book is a collection of selected papers from the second IMI African Migrations Workshop in Rabat in 2008.

It presents a range of innovative and creative methods which have recently been developed in the conduct of migration research in several African countries.

While migration out of Africa has become the subject of growing interest and concern, there has been much less research into patterns of international migration within the continent, only a small fraction of which may result in journeys to Europe, North America and beyond. This dearth of research has been due to limited institutional capacity, the short-term policy agendas of international organisations, and the absence or poor nature of official statistics. This book goes some way towards addressing this gap by showcasing the sheer diversity of African migration patterns and the various ways they can be approached empirically.

The book has been edited by Mohamed Berriane, Senior Professor at the University Mohammed V - Agdal in Rabat, and Hein de Haas, Co-Director of the International Migration Institute.

View details and order on publisher's website

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