Search results (93)
« Back to News & mediaAs UNGA adopts declaration on migrants and refugees, new report launched on migrants in countries in crisis
20 September 2016
ICMPD in partnership with IMI publish emerging findings from research on migrants caught in crisis situations
Migrants in Countries in Crisis Initiative launches new guidelines
13 June 2016
Guidelines aim at States, the private sector, international organisations and civil society responding to needs of migrants in countries experiencing conflicts or natural disasters
Health economist Professor Richard Scheffler visits IMI
8 June 2016
Distinguished Professor of Health Economics and Public Policy from University of California, Berkeley hosted by ODID as Astor Visiting Lecturer
IMI part of consortium awarded European Commission Horn of Africa project
25 May 2016
IMI to contribute to 30-month research project into migration and displacement in Horn of Africa
Birthplace, bloodline and beyond: How 'Liberian citizenship' is currently constructed in Liberia and abroad
25 April 2016
IMI seminar series starts 27 April with presentation from Senior Research Officer Robtel Neajai Pailey
DEMIG databases released: evaluating the nature and evolution of global immigration and emigration between 1950 and 2010
13 January 2016
Data from three major databases tracking migration policy changes, immigration, emigration and net migration flows, and country-to-country global migration flows, now available for free download
THEMIS data published
8 December 2015
The datasets and metadata from the four-year THEMIS project are now available through the UK Data Service
EUMAGINE data now available
8 October 2015
EUMAGINE: Imagining Europe from the Outside investigated the impact of perceptions of human rights and democracy on migration aspirations and decisions
Article published in Futures shows using scenarios as a methodology produces 'interesting research'
14 August 2015
An article co-authored by Simona Vezzoli, which builds on IMI's project Global Migration Futures and its work using the scenarios methodology, concludes that its use produces actionable and rigorous research
Future British ambassador to Senegal meets with IMI researchers
19 June 2015
George Hodgson met with Marie-Laurence Flahaux and Kerilyn Schewel to discuss their research on Senegal
New working paper looks at effectiveness of immigration policies aimed at attracting high-skilled workers
21 May 2015
Drawing on data from the Drivers and Dynamics of High-Skilled Migration (DDHSM) project, this paper presents the first judicious assessment of the effectiveness of immigration policies aimed at attracting high-skilled workers.
New paper examines narratives of statelessness and political belonging among Kurdish diasporas in Sweden and the UK
20 May 2015
Drawing on research carried out as part of the Oxford Diasporas Programme, this paper examines the phenomenon of statelessness and political belonging in a world of unequal nation-states and citizenship regimes.
New paper examines role of migration narratives in shaping attitudes towards migration
24 April 2015
Drawing on data from the THEMIS project, this paper focuses on the the feedback processes: the social mechanisms that link migration experiences across time and space.
Hein de Haas awarded ERC consolidator grant to research ‘Migration as Development’
24 February 2015
Professor Hein de Haas, Co-Director of the International Migration Institute (IMI) at the Oxford Department of International Development (ODID), has been awarded a €1.75 million grant by the European Research Council to conduct a 5-year research project entitled ‘Migration as Development’.
IMI researchers awarded 'Editor's Choice Articles'
7 January 2015
Elena Fiddian-Qamiyeh's research was selected as ‘Editors’ Choice Article’ by the Journal of Intercultural Studies.
New DEMIG paper examines African migration trends
28 November 2014
This latest IMI / DEMIG working paper questions common assumptions that Africa is a continent of mass migration to Europe driven by poverty and conflict.
Origin and destination countries play important role in migration shows new DEMIG paper
28 November 2014
Through examining the evolution of Surinamese emigration from the 1950s to the 2010s, this new IMI / DEMIG working paper shows the impact both origin and destination countries have on migration patterns.
Living in an era of high-skilled migration
25 November 2014
This latest IMI working paper examines how international high-skilled migration is conceptualised to allow more meaningful measurement and comparison of skilled migration.
Labour migration in the Gulf analysed in latest DEMIG article
19 November 2014
A new article 'Labour market activity, occupational change and length of stay in the Gulf' was recently published in Migration Studies
Latest DEMIG paper explores the role of origin states in international migration
19 November 2014
By exploring countries’ transition from colony to independence, this new IMI / DEMIG working paper presents a conceptual framework to examine how origin states shape international migration.